Where are those new BC mines? Mining Association gives us a hint

BC Premier Christy Clark warmed the hearts of the mining community in British Columbia last week when she committed her government to speeding approvals  for new projects, and help to open up eight new mines and expand nine existing mines by 2015. All that mining activity, Clark promised, would create around 1800 jobs in a province that has not always been particularly mine-friendly, and provide spinoff employment for some 12,000 people.

All good news for the local mining industry, to be sure. But not a few eyebrows were raised by the optimistic numbers, with at least one blogger on MINING.com asking the obvious question: Where are these mines?

“8000 new jobs, that’s 1000 jobs/spinoffs for each new mine. There’s only a handful of mines in the entire country that support those kinds of numbers, none that I’m aware of in B.C. I’d say Ms. Clark’s estimate is rather ambitious, but I suppose that’s her job, isn’t it?”

Pierre Gratton from the Mining Association of Canada gives us an idea. In a Globe and Mail article published Wednesday, Gratton names New Afton underground copper and gold mine, Mt. Milligan, a copper and gold open-pit mine near Prince George, and the Red Chris mine in northeast BC among the most likely candidates to make the Premier’s list.

Mr. Gratton listed off mines in the northeast, the southeast and Vancouver Island that were in the federal and provincial environmental assessment processes. He also mentioned mines that are undergoing modernization and expansions in the southern Interior, and plans for some new mines just being developed.

Notably, even though the BC government won’t name the mines, identifying potential sites  is not that difficult, with a list of operating mines, mines temporarily shut down, and mines under development or expansion all posted on the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources website, The Globe points out.