Active Control Technology Inc. announced today another purchase order for ActiveMineTM

TORONTO, May 21, 2008 – , the premier wireless communications and locating system for mines, from West Virginia’s Stacy Lynn Coal Co.

Stacy Lynn selected ActiveMine over three competing analog leaky feeder systems. ActiveMine provides superior wireless digital voice and data communications for coal and all other mines, satisfies state and federal regulations and, thanks to the system’s new StarfishTM feature, meets the low-cost requirements of smaller mining operations.

With Starfish, ActiveMine wireless networks can be set up without a “Head End,” where communications system controls are typically located. This makes it cost-effective for small mines that track underground personnel “by administration” only and do not require electronic tracking. The Stacy Lynn mine, with 12 employees, currently extends 700 feet underground and is anticipated to run one mile in length.

The initial installation, which is set to begin in late October, will include handsets for all underground workers and includes network coverage in the primary and secondary escape ways as well as the belt entry. Stacy Lynn plans to link the mine’s fire suppression and conveyor belt monitoring systems to the ActiveMine data network at a later date.

ActiveMine provides excellent flexibility and value over the life of any mine, large or small. The system can be expanded and enhanced with additional features to meet changing demands as mine operations grow, while providing a profitable ongoing revenue stream for Active Control.

“Stacy Lynn sought the best technology available today, with the flexibility to meet their needs as they change over time,” said Steve Barrett, President and CEO, Active Control. “As a smaller mining operation, they also wanted a system that delivers on their requirements at the lowest cost possible.”

ACT’s business partner in the U.S., Fairmont Supply Company, played a key role in linking ACT with Stacy Lynn. Fairmont, one of the largest distributors of industrial maintenance, repair and operating supplies in the U.S., has deep roots in the mining industry throughout Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Virginia, Indiana, Illinois, Wyoming, Utah, Nevada and Colorado.

“This purchase order demonstrates the value of our close working relationship with Fairmont,” Barrett said. “It also shows that, with Starfish, ActiveMine is an ideal solution for the many smaller mines that previously have found the best mining technologies out of reach. We anticipate this will open up sizeable new sales opportunities.”

About Starfish

Starfish operates on top of ActiveMine’s 100 percent wireless Wi-Fi MESH network. The strategic placement of nodes creates multiple wireless paths, making it possible to maintain communication links in the event any node fails or is damaged.

With Starfish, even if a node or series of nodes becomes isolated from the main network, voice communications will automatically be re-established within an isolated area. The analogy in nature is that of a starfish: If a starfish’s arm is severed, a complete new starfish is naturally regenerated by the severed section.

This capability is currently not possible with analog walkie-talkie radios used in leaky feeder systems.