Polishing the pink

Sinking the pink

Valued at twenty times the price of a white diamond, pink diamonds are also extremely rare with only around 50 or so put out to tender each year.

Pink diamonds comprise 0.03 per cent of global diamond production and 90% come from the remote Argyle mine in Australia, owned by Rio Tinto. For every million carats of rough diamonds produced at Argyle, less than one carat will be suitable for the tender which this year will include the three-heart shaped Argyle Semper Suite (pictured).

The Sydney Morning Herald reports with perhaps another 10 years of life left in the Argyle mine, they could become rarer still.

The Epoch Times quotes Josephine Archer, spokesperson for Argyle Pink Diamonds: “We really are talking about the most limited issue product in the world.”

Image of the Argyle Semper Suite courtesy of the company. It will form part of the annual tender on September 5 in Perth and September 16 in Hong Kong. The company said it is the bridal market in Japan, where the colour pink symbolises love, that established a trend for the heart-shaped pink diamond.
