Ron Paul’s ‘stopped clock’ investments pay off takes a look at the stock portfolio of Ron Paul, presidential candidate and dollar-doom-and-gloom prophet, in its Saturday edition.

Not surprisingly the three-times US presidential candidate has over the past 16 years invested heavily in gold-mining stocks. It’s his hedge against what the Texas Republican congressman calls “The Great Inflation,” which he has long preached is inevitable given the profligacy of the federal government and the easy monetary policies of the Federal Reserve. Fortunately for Ron Paul and his army of gold-bug disciples, the “stopped clock” investment strategy finally seems to be paying off.

In July reported how US Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and Paul squared off, probably for the last time, at a congressional hearing on whether gold can be considered money. Paul has expressed his sentiments about gold and the Federal Reserve in the books End The Fed and the Case for Gold.

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