" /> " /> Canadian Mine Wages in Metal, Industrial Mineral, and Fossil Fuel Mines - MINING.COM

Canadian Mine Wages in Metal, Industrial Mineral, and Fossil Fuel Mines

From the CostMine 2011 Survey of Canadian Mine Salaries, Wages, and Benefits, here are some average hourly wages.  For selected job categories, I provide three numbers.  The first is the average on Canadian metal mines; the second on industrial mineral mines; and the third is on fossil fuel mines. 

I suppose the coal mines and oil sands mines classify as fossil fuel mines.  This would go someway towards explaining the consistently higher wages in all job categories. 

  • Electrician: $32.98/$31.02/$35.65
  • Mechanic: 32.04/31.50/36.07
  • Dragline/Shovel Operator: 31.26/37.33/35.30
  • Truck Driver: 26.34/27.27/31.06
  • Surface Labourer: 24.11/22.76/26.49