Tanzania to mine in game reserve

The Sowetan reports Tanzania will begin uranium mining in its southern Selous Game Reserve, Africa’s second-largest wildlife sanctuary and a Unesco heritage site (pictured), the energy minister said Tuesday.

Australia’s Mantra Resources will start mining in late 2012 in the southern part of the 54,600-square kilometre park estimated to have 53.9 million pounds of uranium oxide deposits which is worth some $2.9bn at current market prices.

The minister claimed that mining would only involve about 1% of the park’s overall area and that income accrued from mining would help fund upkeep of the park, but environmentalists have slammed the plan.

Sowetan LIVE reports:

Tanzania also said earlier this year there was no reason to further delay a plan to build a soda ash plant at Lake Natron in the north of the country, the only nesting ground for flamingoes in east Africa.
