GEOVARIANCES annouces an outstanding 2007

Avon – Fontainebleau, France – July 21, 2008

2007 has been, in many respects, an outstanding year for GEOVARIANCES with a 42% increase in comparison with the year 2006. Regarding ISATIS license sales, GEOVARIANCES leading-edge software solution, they represent a noteworthy increase of 70%! Besides, with more than 95% of the software maintenance contracts renewed last year, GEOVARIANCES’ main concern, that is to say, its clients satisfaction, is successfully reached. This point is also emphasized through GEOVARIANCES technical support which is composed of experts in geostatistics and, as such, is often quoted as the “Rolls Royce” of the Help Desks by the ISATIS users community.

GEOVARIANCES is also well-known for its R&D activity. Indeed, the partnership between the Center for Geostatistics of the French School of Mines and the company is a label of innovation and quality for all the professionals dealing with GEOVARIANCES.

GEOVARIANCES perspectives for 2008 are still promising, the main objective is to reinforce the leadership of the company in the mining market. Indeed, mining professionals are confronted with new demands coming from emerging countries but also with higher exploration costs. They need accurate and reliable tools for a better evaluation of the resources and assessment of the risks. GEOVARIANCES offers the solution customers expect to help them to take the right decision.

“We are really satisfied with our 2007 activity since every effort was made to reach our goal. Nowadays, state-of-the-art technology and risks’ controls are a must in a sector where resource exploration is costly. For those reasons, we are really enthusiastic about the current trend developments and the ones for the coming years. Our desire to reinforce our position as a leader is also obvious through the growth of our management team.” CEO Yves Touffait said.


GEOVARIANCES is the world’s leading geostatistics software company providing geostatisticsrelated software and advanced consulting services to the Oil & Gas industry, Mining industry and Environmental agencies and bodies. Founded in 1986, GEOVARIANCES has sold more than 1000 licenses of its software ISATIS to 300 companies worldwide. Among them, we find leading multinationals as Areva, BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto in Mining, Petrobras, Shell, Total in Oil & Gas, CEA, Ifremer in Environmental.

GEOVARIANCES is committed to technology innovation and high-quality long-term relationships with its customers and proposes different research programs. Among them, the Multivariate Recoverable Resources Consortium (M2RC) for Mining issues. For more information, visit

Press contact: Catherine BLEINES, Marketing & Communication leader [email protected]