Doe Run Peru gets a Tenova Pyromet First

Tenova Pyromet has been commissioned by Doe Run Peru to design and supply a 15 m slag launder, comprising water-cooled copper launder sections, which will convey matte and slag from the IsasmeltT furnace to the settling furnace. The project, part of La Oroya’s copper smelter modernisation marks the first time that the proven Tenova Pyromet slag launder design will be adapted for use with a matte/slag mixture.

One of the challenges is that matte is normally more aggressive to copper elements than slag. This is due to the increased heat load and higher fluidity of the matte. Tenova Pyromet’s launders will be modified to improve their cooling capacity and to provide additional wear resistance in areas of matte impact. The launders are set for delivery by February 2009.

Developed and manufactured in South Africa using advanced Finite Element Modelling and computer aided engineering techniques, Tenova Pyromet’s slag launders are used in Anglo Platinum’s Waterval Smelter in South Africa, the BCL nickel smelter in Botswana, STL’s cobalt smelter in the DRC and BHP Billiton’s Olympic Dam in Australia. These slag launders have a proven long-life design. The first launders, installed at the Waterval, are still in service five years later. Launders that have been damaged have been repaired quickly and returned to service.

The successful implementation of this first matte launder may well open doors for future projects in the copper industry, which makes constant use of this equipment.