Ruby Creek Molybdenum Mine project awarded BC Mines Act Permit

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA- Klohn Crippen Berger and Adanac Molybdenum Corporation are pleased to announce an important milestone in the Ruby Creek Molybdenum Project, the award of a BC Mines Act Permit. Adanac Molybdenum Corporation’s Ruby Creek Project (the Project) is a proposed molybdenum mine that will constitute an open pit mine with a conventional mill and associated infrastructure. On the basis of presently-defined resource and grade estimates, the deposit will be developed to provide mill feed at an average production rate of 20,000 tonnes per day, 365 days per year over a 22 year mine life. The deposit is located 24 km northeast of Atlin and approximately 80 km south of the British Columbia – Yukon border, in a remote mountainous area near Surprise Lake.

Klohn Crippen Berger provides environmental, socioeconomic, consultation and engineering services for the Ruby Creek Project, and we worked closely with Adanac to manage the regulatory aspect of this project including the application and acquisition of the Environmental Assessment Certificate and the BC Mines Act Permit.

“Ruby Creek is an example of the vibrant mining sector at work in British Columbia,” said Minister of State for Mining Kevin Krueger. “The road is already in excellent working condition, and the operators are displaying that they are environmentally responsible in their actions to protect the fish habitat in Surprise Lake”

The positive effects of the project include providing long-term employment and training, and contributing to the sustainability of the local economy. The entire lifecycle of the mine is considered, from construction, operation and maintenance, to closure with removal of all infrastructure and reclamation of the site. Beyond services noted above, Klohn Crippen Berger offers global engineering and environmental services to the mining, power, oilsands, transportation, offshore and pipeline, and water resources sectors worldwide. The firm’s Quality Management System is registered ISO 9001:2000 compliant.

Media Contact:
Emily Liddell
604 251 8583
[email protected]