Gemcom Delivers New Mine Scheduling Capabilities with Release of Gemcom MineSched 7.0

October 4, 2010 Gemcom Software International Inc., the largest global supplier of mining software solutions, today announced it has released Gemcom MineSched™ 7.0, the latest version of its next generation scheduling software for surface and underground mines of all types and sizes. MineSched provides mining companies with the capabilities they need to develop economic, easy-to-mine schedules to maximise productivity and profits.

MineSched 7.0 integrates underground development and production scheduling to enable better overall schedules to be created. It makes this possible through unified workflows for development and production scheduling, providing a consistent and intuitive user experience. Another key addition in this version, available to surface and underground mines, is combined interactive and automated scheduling, an innovation coupling automated scheduling techniques with the ability to selectively schedule on a period-by-period basis to save significant time in schedule creation.

“With MineSched 7.0, the mining industry has the most advanced scheduling user experience available today. When we set out to develop this version, our objective was to extend MineSched’s renowned ease of use and sophistication to the development domain so better underground schedules could be created faster,” said Robin Sweeny, Gemcom’s product manager for MineSched.

“The integration of development and production scheduling in MineSched 7.0 will lead to improved mining efficiencies and reduced costs for a number of reasons, such as the ability to include ore and waste from development headings in the material flow network through the mine operation. Further benefits will be realised through the combination of interactive and automated scheduling, which will result in significant time savings in updating and generating schedules for both underground and surface mines.”

“MineSched gives us the tools we need to create a schedule and then run it using different scenarios to find a near optimal solution. When scheduling underground mines, the software has enabled us to accomplish development and production scheduling faster, while giving us greater ability to run sensitivities on different options. By applying standard financial analysis to the MineSched results it is possible to quickly view each scheduling alternative with associated economic value,” commented Martin Drennan, principal engineer, Python Mining Consultants.

MineSched 7.0 benefits include:

·         Unified development and production scheduling results in more efficient, easy to produce, and cost-effective schedules.

·         Intuitive 5-step workflow guides users through the scheduling process, ensuring consistency of work and enabling new users to be proficient quickly.

·         Conveniently manage all development and production scheduling parameters within a single scenario.

·         Unique Setup Development user interface with a close interaction between the 3D display and data grids where parameters are entered simplifies the configuration of development headings.

·         Ability to rapidly reproduce scenarios across development and production with a single mouse click to efficiently compare scheduling alternatives.

·         Combined interactive and automated scheduling saves users significant time by permitting users to resume scheduling from any period without the need to regenerate the schedule from the beginning.

·         Schedules can be paused at any point in the scheduling process to see results up to the last full period scheduled.

·         Analysis of the schedule across development and production using combined views in MineSched’s unique visual dashboard.

For more information about MineSched 7.0, visit

About Gemcom

When mining companies seek to increase mine productivity, they turn to Gemcom for technology and services. The Company is home to world-renowned mining solutions like GEMS, Surpac, Minex, Whittle, and InSite and to industry thought-leaders who are pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in mining.  Established in 1985, Gemcom has a global reach delivering comprehensive solutions in all major mining centres in more than 130 countries. Every major mining company, including BHP Billiton, Codelco, De Beers, Newmont and Vale is a Gemcom client. Through a combination of organic growth and strategic acquisitions, the Company has become the largest global supplier of mining software solutions. For more information, visit