NL Technologies approves Polaris cordless cap lamp

Toronto, Canada- NL Technologies today announced that the MSHA approved Polaris Cordless Cap Lamp has been approved by The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and Bureau of Mine Safety.

All underground electrical equipment must be certified according to the Pennsylvania Bituminous Mine Act. The approval clears the way for the use of the all-in-one Polaris cap lamp in bituminous underground coal mines in the state of Pennsylvania.

Pennsylvania approval number BFE 92-10 has been assigned to the MSHA- approved Polaris.

The approval will allow NL Technologies to begin shipping the Polaris and filling orders that have been received from mines in Pennsylvania.

The Polaris lamp is the first MSHA approved cap lamp containing the battery and headpiece in a single enclosure eliminating the need for a separate cord and battery.

For more information, please contact NL Technologies via email: [email protected] or by telephone: 416-425-6559 ext 252.