Share of Russian aluminum in LME-registered warehouses rises to 79.5%

Stack of raw aluminum ingot in cargo port. (Stock image)

The share of available aluminum stocks of Russian origin in London Metal Exchange-approved (LME) warehouses rose to 79.5% in October from 76% in September, data on the exchange’s website showed on Friday.

Total aluminum stocks available to the market in LME-registered warehouses are referred to as on-warrant. Warrants are title documents conferring ownership of metal.

The high share of Russian-origin metal in the LME-registered stocks has been a concern for some producers, which compete with Russia’s Rusal, and some Western consumers who avoid the Russian metal since Moscow invaded Ukraine in 2022.

The actual amount of Russian aluminum stocks on LME warrant rose to 162,050 metric tons in October from 132,475 in September, data published by the world’s oldest exchange and largest metals market showed.

(By Polina Devitt; Editing by Sharon Singleton)


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