BHP launches open innovation call for disruptive water treatment solutions

Image from Fundación Chile Expande.

In line with its aim for a water-secure world by 2030, BHP has launched the “Global Water Challenge”, an open innovation call that seeks to identify and de-risk disruptive water treatment solutions to sustainably enhance water recovery in the mining industry.

The “Global Water Challenge” was launched in alliance with Fundación Chile’s Expande, a public-private open-innovation initiative that applies a collaborative model to improve the industry’s productivity.

The initiative calls for companies, startups, institutes, research centers or other entities that have, or are developing, disruptive water treatment solutions, with a focus on multiple challenges that are facing BHP’s mining assets.

These include minimizing brine discharge from the reverse osmosis plant; treatment of acidic pit lake waters; treatment of hypersaline groundwater; treatment of neutral brine effluent from leaching operations; and treatment and reuse of brines recovered from tailing storage facilities.

“Water is an integral and vital resource for our company’s production and operations and we have a responsibility to effectively manage our water interactions and avoid or minimize our potential or actual adverse impacts on water resources,” Ingrid Oyarzún, head of sustainability innovation at BHP, said in a media statement.

Oyarzún said that facing this challenge and making our vision for a water secure world by 2030 a reality, requires collaboration with those companies that are addressing global challenges through innovation and disruptive technologies.

“We invite you to think big and work together to tackle the challenges facing water,” she added.

The finalists will have the opportunity to present their solutions at a Demo Day, where the winners will be able to work together on the next steps with BHP such as a proof of concept, controlled Environment test and/or industrial pilot on a potential BHP asset.

The winners will be able to test their solutions at BHP assets. Applications are open until June 1 and available here.
