Southern Copper to push forward on new projects as copper price spikes

Southern Copper’s Toquepala mine, the world’s fifth biggest copper mine, located in southern Peru. Photo by Southern Copper.

Peru’s Southern Copper Corp will seek to push forward with several new and pending projects in the mineral-rich Andean nation as prices rise and supply remains tight, an executive told Reuters on Thursday.

Raul Jacob, the company’s vice president for finance, said in an interview it hoped to advance development of the sprawling $5.4 billion Chancas and Michiquillay copper-mine projects after the country’s new presidential administration takes office later this year.

The executive added that the company, among the world’s top copper miners, was also “very enthusiastic” to revive a proposed $1.35 billion smelter project in southern Peru, but that the project had yet to receive the board’s blessing.

(By Marco Aquino and Dave Sherwood; Editing by Peter Cooney)


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