GSA’s north-central section meeting goes virtual

Image from Pixabay.

The annual meeting of The Geological Society of America’s North-Central Section, originally scheduled to take place in Duluth, Minnesota, will be held virtually from May 18–19, with technical sessions in the morning and student programming in the afternoon. The online meeting is open and available to everyone for free.

No registration is required. Both oral and poster presenters will prepare their presentations ahead of time, record them, and upload them to GSA’s conference website by 11 May.

All uploaded presentations will be viewable through May 22. A schedule for oral and poster presentations will be determined and posted online by 14 May.

On 18–19 May, all uploaded presentations will be shown through online webinars that anyone can watch in standard 20-minute slots, with a discussion time at the end of each technical session.

Poster presenters will upload a poster and a 3-minute lightning talk to accompany it. Time for Q&A will be included. Student programming will be offered in the afternoon after the technical sessions. Two mentor meetings and three career workshops will be offered. All students are encouraged to attend.

Learn more here.