Vale launches $1m covid-19 challenge

Vale covid-19 challenge Credit: Vale

Vale is joining the fight against covid-19 by launching the Vale covid-19 challenge, offering up to $1 million to propel innovative covid-19 solutions into the marketplace.

The challenge is open in Canada and Brazil with each selected solution eligible to receive up to $200,000.

Companies, startups, institutions, universities and professionals with innovative solutions to help communities and lessen the impact of the virus are invited to participate.

Vale has partnered with experts from the healthcare sector who will assist in the technical evaluation of the submissions.

Dr. Ken Jenkins (Horizon Occupational Health Solutions), Dr. Farrell Cahill (Medisys), Dr. Greg Ross (Health Sciences North Sudbury) and Don Duval (NORCAT) will join members of Vale’s leadership team to evaluate the solutions submitted in Canada.

The challenge is open in Canada and Brazil with each selected solution eligible to receive up to $200,000

“Around the globe, industries and individuals alike are working diligently to find innovative solutions to combat this invisible enemy,” said Dino Otranto, COO of Vale’s North Atlantic operations and Asian refineries.

“Through this challenge, Vale will be able to support the activation of solutions that have a real potential to positively impact the trends of this virus.”

“By launching this challenge globally, we are hoping to expand its reach and accelerate the identification of solutions for our workplace and for the communities in which we live,” added Afzal Jessa, chief digital officer.

The Vale covid-19 challenge is accepting submission in risk monitoring and prevention, patient monitoring and an open challenge.

For more information about the challenge, click here.

(This article first appeared in the Canadian Mining Journal)