The virtues of virtual interaction

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On a global scale, work is grinding to a halt and operations at mines are being temporarily suspended as majors and minors move to enact measures to protect against the spread of covid-19.

With governments from Africa to Latin America issuing lockdown orders, disruptions to operations and supply chains are affecting the way we work in the industry.

In these unprecedented times of mandatory social distance, the benefits of virtual interaction are amplified.

The world’s workforce has moved home, and that creates opportunities to improve industry knowledge and upgrade existing skillsets during this period of reduced activity.

“Online learning doesn’t just offer cheaper education for the masses. It improves the student learning experience across the spectrum by allowing students to learn at their own pace and on their own timetable,” said Steve Denning of Forbes.

Online learning also offers the opportunity for virtual interaction between instructors and students, which can help lessen the impact of social isolation.

Our Edumine division offers a range of virtual learning experiences and live webinars, with two scheduled for the month of April: Mining 101: A Non-Technical Primer for Mining and Mineral Property Valuation.