Ivory Coast gold output up 35% in 2019 after new mine starts

Sissingué mine, Côte d’Ivoire. Image by Perseus Mining

Ivory Coast produced a record 32.478 tonnes of gold in 2019, up 35% from 24.06 tonnes in 2018, data from the mine and geology ministry seen by Reuters showed on Tuesday.

The rise was partly explained by the start of production in the northern mine of Sissingue operated by Perseus Mining Limited, mining industry officials said.

The country’s manganese output was also 49% higher at 1.18 million tonnes in 2019, up from 791,911 tonnes in 2018.

Ivory Coast, the world’s top cocoa producer, is seeking to develop its mining sector to diversify its sources of income. The country expects to reach 50 tonnes by 2025.

(By Loucoumane Coulibaly; Editing by Juliette Jabkhiro and Barbara Lewis)


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