Endomines considers redomiciliation to Finland from Sweden through a cross-border merger

Image courtesy of Endomines Ab

Endomines Ab (publ) considers re-domiciliation of the parent company to Finland from Sweden. The transaction would most likely be carried out as a cross-border merger. The merger plan will require approval by the general meeting of Endomines Ab (publ) and the boards intention is to summon the general meeting to decide on the merger during the first quarter 2020. The ownership structure and business operations of Endomines Ab (publ) remain unaffected by the merger and re-domiciliation.

Endomines intends to continue its dual listing after the transaction, however with main listing at Nasdaq Helsinki.

“Endomines ownership base has during the last years increasingly shifted from Sweden to Finland; this combined with the increasing regulatory, listing and reporting requirements favours streamlining Endomines Ab (publ) current corporate structure. This change will have limited effect on current shareholders as Endomines will continue to be listed both on the Nasdaq Helsinki and Nasdaq Stockholm stock exchanges”, says Ingmar Haga, Chairman of the Board.


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