World’s biggest, savviest investors to crowd gold and silver markets says Sprott founding chairman

Rick Rule, founder and chairman of Sprott Global Resource Investments says “the most massive and most intelligent pools of capital on the planet are now looking to crowd into the gold and silver space.”

Speaking to King World News Rule says Sprott is currently receiving expressions of interest from the world’s “very largest sovereign wealth funds” and “very largest suppliers of private capital in the world.”

Rule says the minds behind the biggest capital pools in the world are now backing precious metals:

It’s interesting to see the big money starting to be attracted to the sector. It’s interesting to see that point of view being shared by the largest aggregations of capital on the planet. There are oceans of capital looking for a home…There are literally trillions of dollars looking for a home….

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Image of Rick Rule courtesy of EvenKeelMedia via Youtube


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