Aussie pro-coal campaign aims at boosting local industry

The Australian coal industry has launched a new coal advertising campaign – Coal: Making the future possible – that highlights the important role coal will play in the world’s future energy mix while reducing emissions.

Coal production is an significant Australian industry.  “It is our second largest export valued at $40 billion in 2016, a major employer in NSW, Queensland and Victoria and provides 71 per cent of the nation’s grid electricity,” said Greg Evans, executive director

Campaign highlights the role that high efficiency, low emission (HELE) coal-fired generation plants provide in reducing emissions.

The new campaign highlights the role that high efficiency, low emission (HELE) coal-fired generation plants provide in reducing emissions.  The TV advertisement features an Australian mining engineer who travels to Japan to look at where our high-quality coal is used at an ultra-supercritical coal fired power station.

Asia has embraced clean efficient, HELE coal-fired generation with some 725 units in place while a further 1,142 installations are under construction or planned, and this represents a new build which is 32 times our national current coal capacity.

HELE coal-fired generation is significant as it emits up to 40 per cent less emissions than the oldest technology in place. Furthermore, the most modern plants are using accompanying technology to reduce all other emissions including particulates to levels that comply with the most stringent urban air quality requirements.

Coal is the bedrock of Australia’s electricity grid and provides a reliable supply of electricity to millions of residents and businesses, ensuring a high quality standard of living and keeping jobs secure.

The campaign is the next iteration from last year’s Little Black Rock campaign.  Advertisements will be airing on pay TV, free to air TV, in cinemas, radio and online.

The current campaign is scheduled to be ongoing with no specified end date.

Watch the 30 second, 60 second and 90 second advertisements:

The campaign website is here:

And for more facts on HELE coal-fired generation, download our report here:


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