Mining engineer snags job as bus driver

Brett Kolankowski told The that he is delighted to be working as a bus driver after his mining engineering degree from Queens University didn’t quite work out.
The Mississauga resident looked for a career in his field, but said jobs were hard to come by within the slumping mining industry.
Kolankowski saw an ad for bus drivers and decided to “give it a shot.”
He told the Whigg that he is enjoying the work:
“On my buses I greet everyone,” he said. “I wish everyone a nice day and they always say thank you and they always leave with a smile on their faces. It makes such a big difference.”
“I couldn’t be happier how things turned out,” Kolankowski said. “Right now, I am very happy here and I don’t see myself leaving in the near future.”
Image from Wikipedia. Hat tip, Cooper Quinn
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Clausen Binder
Extraction industry boom and bust cycle. Not a great time to be in the industry for any specialized skill set, i.e., geology, mine management,miner, drill rig hand, mud engineer, etc. Place your bets gentlemen and ladies!
Pablo Escobar
At least he didnt get to experience the tender mercies of a mining companies Human resources department. aka the Treblinka treatment.
Not all bad in mining, see Discovery Ventures just acquired 100%-ownership of mill and is set to pour gold in Q3-2016 – fully financed
If he’s happy as a bus driver, he doesn’t belong to a job as an engineer anyway.
Milber Exploration
Congratulations to Brett for taking a job to pay the bills. Been through this boom/bust cycle a few times now and have done many jobs not related to what I went to university for. I would hire this man in a minute because he is not too proud to do what it takes to get the job done, pay the bills and put food on the table. Kudos!
Hi,I am not surprise to see that a mining engineer is driving bus.In fact number of highly qualified people are working like this.This is a matter of survival as engineering degree is the source of getting good job,but if this is not working,what to do with this degree.Even I am also thinking to do some odd job,though I am post graduate in Geology and had worked as Vice president in mining companies but now no job since last several months. I am also thinking to work in some factory etc for earning bread and butter for my family.In fact people should not migrate here to sell their pride,or government should take employment guarantee.
Backseat Driver
As a geologist I must add my congratulations. I am 62 and on the street after 27 years in the industry. No idea where to look for work at my age and with my experience. I can manage multi million dollar exploration and development programs, but if that isn’t happening – Costco?
I was once in this situation as well. Mining is a boom and bust business. In my experience It is glamorous to say that you work for a precious metal miner (regardless of the size of the company) However When precious metals are down it is not a bad idea to look at the aggregates business. Aggregates mines are great places to get experience and/or continue a career