Video: Gold mining faces a cliff after 2025, CRU analyst predicts
Global gold production will peak at about 3,250 tonnes (105 million oz.) next year, according to CRU's Oliver Blagden.
Central banks around the globe have been on a gold buying spree this year, with Russia and China leading the pack.
In the first three months of 2019, gold purchases by the country’s top banks hit the highest level in six years, as nations diversify their assets away from the US dollar.
Global gold reserves, in fact, rose 145.5 tonnes in the first quarter, a 68% increase from a year earlier, based on figures released by the World Gold Council earlier this month.
To better visualize where most of the world’s gold is sitting these days, the experts at How came up with this map, which shows exactly that:
Read more about it here.
Bradley Wells
What about Canada?
Tim Rutkevich
Zero. Harper government said that gold was worthless.
Neil Nurd
and Iran
Reserves $130 billion (2017)
Rob See
Fortunately Australia has 627B of gold still in the ground