Kimberley Mine

Kimberley Mine

Owner: Da Beers

Type of Mine: Diamond

Location: Kimberley, South Africa

Built: 1871

The name that this mine usually goes by, The Big Hole, leaves little to the imagination.  Cut 240 meters deep, Kimberly Mines is the largest open-pit mine excavated by hand.  The site, originally attached to the Da Beers brothers led to a scramble for claims similar to the Mahoning mine.

After 16 years of horrid conditions, the smaller mines in the region decided to amalgamate all the diggings projects into one company: the Da beers Consolidated Mines Limited.  Having been abandoned for almost 100 years, the mine is being turned into a World Heritage Site.

Image courtesy of NJR ZA – Nick; Kimberly as seen over the Big Hole, 19 September 2009

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