Greek protesters arrested in clash over Eldorado suspension of 2,000 workers

Protesters march to Skouries mine, March 2013. (Image: Screenshot via YouTube)
Greek police arrested Sunday 78 protesters, mostly foreigners, involved in clashes outside Eldorado Gold’s (TSX:ELD) (NYSE:EGO) Skouries gold and copper mine, following the firm’s decision to furlough about 2,000 employees after its license was suspended last week.
According to Greek Reporter, about 1,000 demonstrators marched toward the mine, operated by subsidiary Hellenic Gold in the northern region of Halkidiki. The paper added that the crow began attacking police officers by throwing rocks, bolts and firebombs.
More demonstrations were expected late Monday, as mine workers announced a rally that would block streets and intersections in the Ierissos and Gomatio areas, near Eldorado Gold’s mines.
Greek authorities decided to temporarily suspended work at the Vancouver-based firm’s Skouries mine last week, on the grounds of technical standards violation. However, Eldorado said the required tests were indeed conducted, but at a facility in Finland, not on-site, as the country’s authorities demand. It also threatened legal action against the Greek government.
The mine has been a bone of contention ever since Hellenic Gold was granted approval to mine in the northern peninsula, back in 2011.
Some claim the operation, owned 95% by Eldorado, may hurt tourism and the environment, while others believe it is good news for Greece, as it will generate new jobs and bring hundreds of millions into the struggling economy.
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Gene Byrge
Looks like the few Greeks who actually want to work are being impeded by crooked politicians trying to force bribes. SOCIALISM WILL NEVER WORK>
Mike Failla
The trouble with socialism is sooner or later you run out of other peoples money. Greek government needs to let their private sector run business. government does nothing to help business, has no idea how to run a business and only hinders it.
Sure they want to work, but a significant amount just want to be on the dole. Not only in Greece but world wide. Government is not the answer to your problems, Government IS the problem. Just my 2 cents.
What if I were to tell you ….. that the same nation that cannot keep a “special interest” faction of it’s whinning, poli-enviro-extortion driven population in check, is the same nation that has driven itself into bankruptcy via socialism. No more investment, aid, hand outs, etc., only refuge for the small pro-capitalism-mining group that wants to build. Too bad Eldorado can’t move the ore body with them.
I like the image of the crow throwing bolts and firebombs. Smart birds.
It sounds Logical. The Greeks do not want to have assets like Gold mines.Better they hide and cheat as usual.So they are better of and will receive some more billions from Europe.Fom the European idiots.The more you are indebted, the more Euopean fake Money you will get.Gold is the only asset worthwhile.Not for Greeks.
Let me understand this. The government does not want the mine to operate so it uses every method possible to close it. So when the permit is cancelled the company lays off workers because there is no work. Then a crowd of activists (many foreign) protests the mine’s layoff.
Only in Greece! But Alberta’s turn is coming with the oil sands.
Gene Byrge
All of the below comments are valid and perceptive. To Mr. Karageorgis. I understand that as an individual you may be industrious, hardworking and God fearing. That does not mean that the rest of your country is so virtuous. That is how you got elected officials who are crooked and whose main function is to beg for money from the EEC to replace the lack ,of effort by a MAJORITY of your countrymen. And that is not slander sir, it is fact.
America was built by people who left home to come to the new country where anything was possible, and effort was rewarded. I suggest you look for somewhere more in line with your personal feelings. Don’t just sit there and cry when we point out the truth.
Good luck to you, and God Bless
Gene Byrge
Mike Failla+++ Good 2 cents worth !
I do not understand the article. Anti-mining protesters protest against what?
The operations are now suspended – what is the reason for the protest?
Some Greeks want to tell us, that only around 800 People have “stolen” the wealth of Greece and 400 Billion Euros.I dont believe that a Nation of only 11 Million can Point to the few hundred crooks.From what we hear the whole System in Greece is built on “backchisch”, Standard since Byzantene times, and rotten, thouroughly rotten.Every government after the military Regime has created hundred of thousands of “fonctionnaires”.But the most important is the denial of the truth by everyone, also by Mr. Karageorgis.Just look at the Facts.Where are the stolen billions?
gene byrge
The problem in Greece is no different than anywhere else in this world. We humans want new roads,but not across OUR LAND.We want mines to create wealth and employment but not if we have to surrender our favorite picnic spot. So we elect politicians to meet and work these differences out to operate and develop our societies.
AND WE FORGET THAT THE POLITICIANS ARE HUMANS AFFLICTED WITHE SEVEN DEADLY SINS. And they begin to lie, cheat and steal BECAUSE we have empowered them and THEY CAN….. And ever it thus shall be. And the beat goes on… God bless us every one.
gene byrge
Senator Strom Thurmond once said, when discussing who should shoulder the burden of needed new taxes…. “Don’t tax you , don’t tax me ,
Tax that man behind the tree!
And so the whirlpool of mankind’s affairs continues to swirl. Fingers point, voices rise, and the earth continues to revolve. And so it will be until that fateful day when the last nervous finger pushes The Final Button. Ride on, folks, enjoy the ride.
Mark Harder
Why are the out-of-work miners marching to the mine? They should be in Athens. Their government closed the mine, not the company.