Almaden’s stock jumps after 2019 corporate report released

Image from Almaden Minerals

Almaden Minerals’ (TSX: AMM) stock jumped over 5% on Tuesday, following the release of its 2019 report on corporate social responsibility, which described the community-related activities the company has been engaged for over 15 years at the Ixtaca precious metals project in Puebla State, Mexico.

Since first arriving at Ixtaca in 2001, Almaden has worked transparently to interact in a culturally and socially appropriate manner with all local peoples, regardless of their gender, cultural heritage, beliefs, sexual orientation, or level of education. Over the past several years, Almaden has interacted with over 20,000 people from over 53 communities and 8 different states.

“We have been exploring for mineral deposits in Mexico since 1992. Every time we arrive at a new prospect, we do nothing until we have received permission from local people to enter upon their land. This process of seeking permission is the first seed planted in community consultations,” Duane Poliquin, Chairman of Almaden, said in a press release.

Permitting process

In addition to the report, Almaden has submitted its environmental permit, or Manifestación de Impacto Ambiental (MIA), to Mexican authorities.

“Our aim at Ixtaca is to build a mine which reflects the best available technology and best applicable practice both socially and technically. We believe that this project has the potential to be a showcase for modern mining, and look forward to working with stakeholders to advance the project through the permitting and project financing necessary to commence construction,” said Morgan Poliquin, Almaden’s president and CEO said.

Read the full report here.


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